An exploratory and scenic cycling experience

Eager participants cycled over steep mountains and through beautiful valleys in both rain, light wind and warm sunshine, for a total of 143 kilometers. An unbeatable view combined with good meals and helpful Tatjana in the accompanying car, contributed to an unforgettable cycling experience.
Eager participants cycled over steep mountains and through beautiful valleys in both rain, light wind and warm sunshine, for a total of 143 kilometers. An unbeatable view combined with good meals and helpful Tatjana in the accompanying car, contributed to an unforgettable cycling experience.
By Marte Nordahl. Photo Liv Karin Søstuen.
Thursday 17. June, eleven participants were gathered with tour leader and inspirer Geir Arne Hageland at Toftemo in Dovre, ready for a four-day bike ride of a total of 143 kilometers. Here, the cycling enthusiasts were served a lovely dinner with information about the trip.
Electric bike
Liv Karin Søstuen was one of the eight participants who rode a two-wheeled bicycle, while the last three used tricycles, all with electric auxiliary motors.
– Tatjana B. Guldbrandsen, cohabitant of Geir Arne was in the accompanying car together with Rune Søstuen who could not cycle this trip this year, says Liv Karin.
Dovre via Dombås
On Friday, the bike ride from Dovre via Dombås started with a coffee stop at Trolltun Gjestegård.
– We cycled up steep slopes with a steady climb, until we arrived at the destination for the trip, Furuhaugli Fjellhytter. Here we could enjoy glimpses of sun on the terrace until the sun went down over Dovrefjell, she says.
Hjerkinn Fjellstue
On Saturday, the cycling enthusiasts woke up to rain in the air. Rainwear and a good mood led them all over the mountain plateau to Hjerkinn Fjellstue.
– The plan was to stop a bit along the way, but the weather did not tempt much. At Hageseter mountain lodge we warmed up with coffee and dried wet rainwear, before the trip continued to the Wild Reindeer Center at Hjerkinn and down to Hjerkinn Mountain Lodge.
Beautiful Grimsdalen
– On Sunday morning we ate a better breakfast and got ready for the longest leg of the trip. The first stop of the trip was at Folldal Mines. While some joined the mines on the train, the rest enjoyed themselves with coffee, ice cream and waffles in the sun. During the break, we recharged all the electric bikes.
– The trip continued through beautiful Grimsdalen with a view to Rondane. Here we took a snow break halfway along the river, before the last stage went up the steep slopes to Grimsdal tourist cabin. It was comfortable to ride an electric motor the last few kilometers to the finish, she says.
The top of Grimsdalen
On Monday, the participants enjoyed themselves on the last leg of the trip up to the top of Grimsdalen and down to Dovre center. The rain had stopped and the participants got to enjoy all the sunshine despite the cool wind from the north.
– Along the way we stopped and admired the view with some extra long breaths of the fresh mountain air. Geir Arne gave us history along the way about big and small events from the places we passed. We tried to save the information as well as possible for the big round of questions later, informs Liv Karin.
The trip continued up steep slopes until they cycled down for ten kilometers to a charming gapahuk. Here they ate packed lunch and got the results of the quiz, which Rune Søstuent finally won after a duel with Erik Halvorsen.
– After the lunch break and prize giving, it was downhill to Dombås. Everyone mastered the slopes, while some had greater speed than others.
Liv Karin and the gang are very happy with exploratory bike rides from the countryside and over the mountain plateau and through beautiful valleys.
– The trip was well organized which gave more taste among the participants including myself. We are happy to join the Tour de Dovre again, says Liv Karin happy.